Memory RSS-ed

Everdien Breken homepage everdienbreken.orgWorked on my professional profile today. I have to integrate my two personae somehow: project manager and artist.  Doing projects is one  common ground – me using Internet technology in both worlds is another. The result displays at Also the gateway to the research- essay – cum-game that I have been neglecting shamefully these last few weeks due to the ‘Straatnieuws‘ challenge.

Found some interesting RSS feeds to liven up a bit. There happens to be a ‘girl guide to project managment’ by blogger Elizabeth Harrin. The title is hilarious, the woman a serious project manager.

The other feed is from Metropolis M, a Dutch art magazine that has a lot of interesting stuff.  So, my personae are personified.

Later (but not much later): This is really really cool! I never knew my blog had  RSS-feed capabilities. Thanks to a comment from a reader (thank you Nursing Schools) who mentioned RSS-ing this blog I looked it up. Expecting hassle, but it is just  so easy. Just add /feed to my URL and the thing is done! Immediately added my own feeds on top of the two I mentioned above. Thanks again, WordPress people!

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