Moving LeWitt

This is last week’s crew of  Unwanted Land busy doing the first takes (picture by Tiong Ang). I’m the woman with the green hair, talking to actor. Can assure you that it isn’t all fun, sitting still like that for a longer period of time. Being a film actor must be soooo boring! Loved being involved in Tiong’s project, though. Later on I got to be the next  scene’s director, meaning that I was the one who picked the spot, set  up the lighting and assisted Tiong with organising the scene.

Tiong formulated a set of rules for his project:

– the set is not the place
– the scenario is not the story
– the take is not the game
– the scene is not what happened
– the actor is not the person

Made a small video titled ‘Moving LeWitt’ that shows us moving the mobile LeWitt cube to the spot I chose:


And another small video showing a ‘making of’ shot:


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