Top-10 of art knits

Orly Genger

There is more than one Big Knitter out there. For starters, there is  American artist Orly Genger, who knits climbing and lobster rope. The sheer size of it a challenge to one’s imagination. And a tribute to the lady’s obsessivenes.


one sheep sweater


Arran Rug

Another lady that takes her knitting seriously: Christien Meindertsma. She went back to the source indeed, via projects like the One Sheep Sweater and the Arran Rug.

Dave Cole

Third  Big Knit  is Dave Cole’s  Knitting Machine.  Largest size knitting needles I ever saw!  Cole uses two excavation tractors to assemble an American flag in time for the 4th of July. Wonder what yarn he’s using?



Then there are those dear, dear people that knit comforters for trees – God knows trees need all the comfort they can get these days. The industry is called ‘guerillia knitting’ and artist Magda Sayeg is reputed to be at the heart of it.


knitting jam

These good people take part in Laure Drogoul’s evening of musical knitting – all materials supplied. Knitting orchestra was assembled at Chelsea Art Museum two years ago. Knitters and non-knitters alike were invited to play/knit on a souped-up, amplified knitting instrument. The machine amplified the sound of the knitting, and mixed and played back those sounds live.  Nice!

Desiree de Baar Kitchen Sink

Another deft hand with a needle is Desiree de Baar. Her pink kitchen sink was exhibited at the Audax Textile Museum during the exhibition Knitted Worlds.

heidi kennedy skjerve

Mysteriously beautiful is the work of Heidi Kennedy- Skjerve, who’s monochrome knits are mounted  directly onto pins, nailed into the wall.

Maria Roosen Bloedverwanten

Maria Roosen’s  de Bloedverwanten – blood relatives – must of course be on this list. I could not find an image that conveys the threatening, dripping, red aspect of the work – can’t be conveyed exept by standing under her giant sunflowers. Which I did at Audax when they had Knitted Worlds.

Jurgen Bey Knitted Chair

Last but not least, another designer: Jurgen Bey. His Knitted Chair is a thing of beauty – Dutch Design at its best.

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