
This image sums it up: Generatie Breien. Did our thing out of doors today, as the weather was fine and the kids in outdoor mood. Was -again – surprised at the earnestness and perseverance the little ones bring to the outsized challenge of knitting. And the patience of the grannies, and their stories of how they themselves learned to knit.

My quest for second-hand Tshirts took me to Assen today, which is a little over two hours from where I live. Then I drove two and a half hours to den Haag, then kids, then two hours to get back home. I would consider the travel time wasted, were it not that I sort of day-dream while driving – I do drive safely but my brain goes into idle, and great ideas for art projects come up that way.  My everyday life demands my attention in short and furious sequences so I don’t get to idle very often. Note: do so more often!

I put the dreams in my little book of big ideas. Will have time the next couple of months to take some out and materialise them. Nice!

Now for some more pics of today:


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