Tweet: This is Galaxy being sprayed with flame retardant….

This is Galaxy being sprayed with flame retardant. A must-do for the show at Atrium end of Oct.

Receipe for flame retardant from

Hey: I figured out how to post my Tweets (=new hobby) to my blog. Thanks be given to the developers of Social and Twitter Tools plugins! Now I need to figure out a way to grab the Twitter image and do some Timthumb magic on it …

Later: figured out a way. It’s manual, though …..  Need to rethink my strategy vs the Twitter thing. Later: decided not to make my Tweets into posts – I did get it working but the content is so different from what I usually post. Also can’t get the title to behave nor the picture. Much better to have tweets in the sidebar & also a ‘follow me on Twitter’  option.

Later: am trying to post to Tumblr. Lets try this thing ….

Later: and yes, it works! Now for a nice Tumblr layout ….

Much later: ok so no automatic post-on  from Twitter to WordPress to Tumblr. Too messy! Note: write a plugin that does things my way?

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