Hoping for

Moved ‘Heaven and Earth between the rivers’ to Ziekenhuis Rivierenland – the hospital in Tiel whose pastors are fans of the exhibition. We installed it in the patio at their entrance, and the listening chairs got a beautiful place in their multi-denominational chapel. Fitted right in, too! I’m going back one of these days, just to sit in a chair and listen to all the stories. I’m always very happy when everything works … remind me again why I do things with technology? A painter must have a much more quiet life.

Anyway, the immediate future of ‘Heaven and Earth’ is looking good. After Tiel we go to Oosthuizen, a village a little north of Amsterdam, then on to the mighty castle of Loevestein for a few months – actually, until the end of the year.

Loevestein sits at the western end of the Bommelerward, dominating the confluence of the rivers Waal and Maas. A dream location to showcase voices of people from the region. Loevestein’s visitors come from all over the Netherlands- and to go beyond the local is what we’ve been hoping for.


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