
Okay, the picture taking was done for the day, and what is a girl to do next? I hesitate to acknowledge this, but this girl has been getting up very very early in the morning these past few days. We’ve had a death in the family, and also my mind could not stop storming and forming ideas for the Mesdag challenge. So I’ve not been getting my beauty sleep, and god knows I need it ……  a power nap was in order, and man, was it good!

On waking up my drill chuck was delivered, which was very fortuitous timing. I already have a table-size drill and very small drill bits, a drill chuck was the extra item I needed to be able to drill small holes in wood and plastic and metal, for I want to mount the circles I found on the street on small wooden blocks. So I went and tinkered with wood and plastic and superglue, making little statues. They are playthings as well – one can put them in any kind of position and use sorting algorithms on them. Which I enjoy, a lot! The fact that I almost glued my fingers together must be seen as collateral damage, I think. Anyways: promising!



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