
As with Camera Obscura, the work titled Compact situates itself in Eemland , a region shaped by the interplay of human intervention, natural forces, and artistic expression, reflecting broader themes of land use, environmental transformation, and cultural identity.

The artwork Compact offers a direct metaphor for the pressures on the Eemland landscape due to continuous human interventions, particularly spatial planning. Through abstract, generative visuals, the piece invites viewers to contemplate the themes of space, overdevelopment, and the idea of “too full.” Using randomization and subtle visual cues, Compact transforms the abstract concept of spatial density into an immersive experience, making it tangible for its audience.

Compact begins with a simple, randomly oriented line on a blank screen. From this initial point, the animation systematically generates new lines at random angles, branching out into an intricate web of rectangles and shapes that evoke associations with maps or urban planning grids. The process is entirely generative, meaning no two iterations of Compact are ever identical. The lines subtly vary in color, drawing from the palette of Mondriaan’s Victory Boogie Woogie, but unlike Mondriaan’s strict geometry, Compact is more fluid, with the growth of lines reflecting a sense of gradual but inevitable encroachment. As the lines multiply, they represent how space becomes increasingly fragmented and densely packed, mirroring urbanization and land use patterns in the Eemland region.

In addition to its visual elements, Compact incorporates sound that evolves with the density of the lines. At the start, the sound is quiet and minimal, but as the space fills, it intensifies into a dissonant symphony of electronic tones, enhancing the feeling of confinement. The artwork’s immersive installation, projected across three walls, surrounds visitors, allowing them to physically experience the sensation of encroaching density. As the space fills, the tension builds both visually and audibly, until the entire system halts at the point of complete saturation, leaving the viewer in a moment of eerie silence. This multisensory experience not only reflects spatial pressures in Eemland but also prompts viewers to consider the broader implications of human expansion and environmental limits.

More about Compact here (in Dutch)

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