

Walking with AI: Presentation at ISEA2025 in Seoul I’m going to present a paper! I wrote “Walking with AI: Speculative Walking as Artistic Practice” with my academic supervisors Steven Devleminck and Sandy Claes from KU Leuven/LUCA School of the Arts. And it has been accepted for presentation at the International…

Second solo expo at Gemaal Eemnes

Yesterday, for the second time, I had the privilege of presenting my work at Gemaal Eemnes. A place that has a deep connection with the landscape I depict in my work. The location added an intrinsic value to the exhibition, as the Eemland area is the subject of my work,…

Installing Waterwoorden at Museum Flehite

A busy day yesterday – me, my pc’s and my tech went to Amersfoort to install ‘Waterwoorden’ i.e. ‘Waterwords’ at museum Flehite [facebook] [instagram]. The work is part of the exhibition ‘The City and the Water’e.i. ‘De Stad en het Water’that will run from July 6th until November 10th 2024….

Fly the flag – first solo expo

First solo-expo in my PhD trajectory – time to fly the flag! Went to Eemland last saturday for a screening of my film ‘The Empty Land’, made from images harvested with my Camera Obscura. Also on show the impressions of Eemland’s futures. A pumping station in the middle of the…

Expo at Hoogheemraadschap Delfland

Went to Delft today to install ‘Waal van Woorden’ i.e. ‘River of Words‘ at Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland. These are the people that have kept the Delft area free of flooding and other water-related problems for over 735 years. They are celebrating this birthday with – amongst other things – an…

NL_MIX in Delft

Went to Delft last Saturday to participate in a festival at Pionierskwartier, where a family member lives in a tiny house – very nice and cozy. Wwere amazed at the progress that was made turning this industrial site into an eco-friendly place where sustainable living is experimented with. Anyways, they…

Waal van Woorden

Got to do a few new things today while working on my virtual river. Needs to be done, for Waterschap Rivierenland iis interested in exihibiting it. First off, I needed to teach myself audio editing, for I caught a few on-the-river sounds – a train running over a bridge, bells…


Hectic two weeks leading up to the opening of HedenHaags – the exhibition about the city of The Hague in Museum The Mesdag Collection that I’ve been helping to produce. Today is opening day, and it is glorious. Press opening was this morning, and we had press, and they were…

Hit the spot

Had the opening ceremony for Hemel en aarde tussen de rivieren this morning.  Our exhibition is presented as part of a triptich named Wat mij heilig is – inspired art in the Sint Maartens-church. Also on show are icons and paintings inspired by saints. For our show, it all came together: listening chairs,…

Galaxy in motion

Proud to present: the Galaxy project, condensed to a one-and-a-half minute movie. The Galaxy project would not have been possible without many helping hands.  My  thanks go to the participating organisations: PLAY+ART,  Festival De Betovering,  Stichting Atrium,  Middin,  Welzijn Scheveningen, Jongeren4You(th),  B.O.T and  Sort BV. And to the wonderful volunteers…

Willum Wel Won

In Amsterdam  yesterday – the day our new king was installed – to test the republican sentiment. I found that republicans were few and far between. Proof of this sad state of affairs: in three hours I sold all of the  ‘Ik willum wel’  buttons, and under half of the…

Action Weaving

And yes – we’re Into the Great Wide Open. Into – certainly, Great – for sure, Wide Open – well, we are situated in a lovely small wood full of fresh-smelling pine trees. Not wide open, more of a canopy feeling. Getting here has been another E&E adventure – Eveline…

OraclR Athens

News: The exhibition that was proposed by my MaHKU friends in Athens may be materialising! The proposal we sent a few months ago for a group exhibition in an Art space in Athens wasn’t selected at the time. Apparently we did make an impression, for a few days ago the people from…

In real life

Attended the opening of  ‘365 dagen kunst – in real life’  today. The expo was unusual, in that there were lots of things that people could DO! Pretty nice crowd turned up to do things, too …. So: really nice! What all was there to-do: – Loes has us playing with…

Online goes offline

I’m participating in an group expo in Rotterdam in June, organized by the online gallery www.365dagenkunst.nl to celebrates its first anniversary.  Online goes offline – nice! The expo is at the Witte Slagerij, Rakstraat 2 in Rotterdam, it opens Sunday June 10th  at 15.00 hrs. Of course you are all invited!…

Tricking the Everyday

Tricking the Everyday is the title for our show in June. I’m showing the plus-or-minus video, see stills \below.  The catalogue for the show will be made by co-curator Laura Pardo, and she was moved to ask for a portrait-size picture. Which wasn’t easy as I have done landscape only….

Game Room

Pics from Game Room, the experimental installation I did at Asch van Wijckkade in Utrecht. A quote:  “… have assembled a collection of balls of various sizes and sorts, some plastic, some leather, some with a knitted surface, some smooth. So sense of touch will also be represented – very important…

Circles at Roomnacht Enschede

Big circles at the Museum Night in Enschede: Roomnacht. A quote: “What I did at  Roomnight was create a physical environment with equipment (circles, big chalks) in a non-playspace (an avenue for bikes and pedestrians). It was created in an art context – people on their way from museum to…

Installing at Expodium

We’ve started installing our stuff at Expodium last monday. Theme of the exhibition is ‘collective individuality’, we are showing our individual responses to the same bit of public space: Jaarbeursplein. I did one of my ‘spelen op straat’ street actions at this Utrecht square, drawing a game and observing people’s…


Imagine the following situation. You have entered an elevator in a building that you know well. You have pressed the button to go to the floor of your choice. Several people have entered the elevator with you. Being absentminded sometimes, you did not really notice them, you didn’t pay attention….