For a rainy day

Photographing one’s garden on a rainy day – pretty nice, the raindrops on the flowers. Below are borage [Borago officinalis] and lavender [Lavandula Angustifolia] and love-in-a-mist [Nigella damascena]. I do love blue flowers! I converted the pics to black-and-white – easier to see if they are any good –  and these three passed the test.

Garden June 2016 02Garden June 2016 02Garden June 2016 04Garden June 2016 04Garden June 2016 01Garden June 2016 01

Later: I did a rainy-day-pic of the sedum in my small rooftop garden – I think this is a white stonecrop [sedum album] but I’m not absolutely sure. Will check if it flowers white. Again, I like the black–and-white image best, even though the colored one is not bad at all.


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