Last friday we had a lecture by Annette Balkema discussing a text from 'Negotiations 1972…
Rough outline of new research questions
This is the two-way communication model filled with my new words. Things I need to look at:
- I do have a message (of sorts), reading ‘hey you, there is a whole (new) world to explore’
- The participants (art has a public, experiments have participants) have mental maps that are sort of fixed, and maybe they prefer it this way.
- To be researched: how does a mental map get made.
- To be researched: (why) are kid’s mental maps flexible & why do they like to/need to explore.
- To be researched: (how) do adult s fix their mental maps & (why ) do they need them fixated.
- I prepare experimental environments where participants can explore and maybe un-fix some (parts of) mental maps.
- Mental maps of what: body? objects?, (labyrinth-like) environments?
- Why do I want to do this?
- Because people with mental maps that are totally fixed are dangerous people
- Because I don’t like closed systems/fixed mental maps, having escaped from closed systems more than once
- Because I feel that modern society is so complex, so many different cultures living in one city, we need flexibility to go on living together.
- Question: how about the arrow going from ‘you’ to ‘me’ ? Maybe the experiments will change my mental maps, too. Good!
- Question: experimental environment to be surprising? Is that effective in un-fixing?
- What with the sense-of-touch thing?
- Maybe this whole thing is still too big a chunk to research in 1 year.
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